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No Enemy: Client Conversation

No Enemy: Client Conversation

Learn How To Easily Manage A Difficult Conversation with a Toxic Client

Learn How To Easily Manage
A Difficult Conversation
with a Toxic Client

Are you triggered by your client? 
Do you get defensive or combative? Or does the opposite happen? Instead of standing up for yourself, you let your client walk all over you. 

Don't worry; you're not alone. Most of us fall into this same communication trap. As children, we learn communication techniques from our friends and the imperfect grown-ups trying to raise us. And so we arrive as adults into our careers, facing down a problematic client, armed with only three chess moves: Fight, flight or freeze. (Spoiler alert: these are NOT great options.)

Toxic conversations take a different set of moves.

Imagine if you could easily manage a difficult conversation and transform the outcome to meet or exceed the needs of your client.

It’s possible with the No Enemy: Client Conversation.

Want to learn how it works?
One Framework. Three Moves. Infinite Potential.

Manage In
Bring Out Your Best Self. How you start a conversation is how you do the conversion. Never step forward in a state of dysregulation OR let your inner 9-year old (or inner rage monster) run the meeting. Call in the Self that isn't bothered or intimidated by your client… the Self that sees this client as a teacher with a valuable lesson to impart.
Manage Out
Plan for the Pattern. People communicate in patterns. Think about your client's typical first moves and plan to meet them without judgement or resistance, but with presence, curiosity, and strength. Choose power phrases to demonstrate that you are strong enough to take in whatever they put out, while also solving the problem of the moment.
Restore the Reserves. No-Enemy Client Conversations are powerful, but they do require energy and focus. After your conversation, remind your body that the conversation is over, and there is no enemy. Maybe have a quick walk, a downward dog, or a dance party. The practice will return you to a state of peace and instantly fill your tank for whatever is next.
Ready To Start Having No-Enemy Conversations?
Your Authentic Communications Coach
Bronwyn Portrait Large
Hi, I'm Bronwyn

Over the past 20 years, I've worked with hundreds of people and logged thousands of coaching hours to help them prepare for big moments on shows such as American Idol, Real Time with Bill Maher, Bloomberg TV, CNBC’s Power Lunch, The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Home Shopping Network, and PBS NewsHour. I've also midwifed over one hundred and fifty TEDx, TEDGlobal, and TED Talks. 

I'm on a mission to change the way we communicate. I teach people how to become their most powerful selves, and to speak from that place of power. I teach people how to shine.
Bronwyn Portrait Large
Hi, I'm Bronwyn

Over the past 20 years, I've worked with hundreds of people and logged thousands of coaching hours to help them prepare for big moments on shows such as American Idol, Real Time with Bill Maher, Bloomberg TV, CNBC’s Power Lunch, The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Home Shopping Network, and PBS NewsHour. I've also midwifed over one hundred and fifty TEDx, TEDGlobal, and TED Talks. 

I'm on a mission to change the way we communicate. I teach people how to become their most powerful selves, and to speak from that place of power. I teach people how to shine.
What Customers Have to Say
Heidi Castagna – Senior Director, Global Sales Enablement at NVIDIA
Bonnie Wan – Partner and Head of Brand Strategy at Goodby Silverstein & Partners
If humans were required to attend a masterclass in communication, Bronwyn would be teaching it. 
Maria Ross Brand Strategist. Author of The Empathy Edge. Speaker. Podcaster
Maria Ross
Brand Strategist. Author of The Empathy Edge. Speaker. Podcaster
I consider Bronwyn to be a master communicator.
Her ability to hold an audience’s full attention, while teaching the nuances of communication make her a fantastic teacher and guide.
JD Schramm, Author, Speaker, and Communication Coach
JD Schramm
Communications Coach. Author of Communicate with Mastery. Ted Speaker
No Enemy: Client Conversation

What you'll learn

Module 1: Manage In
Create a repeatable process for becoming your most powerful self so you can speak from that place of power.
  • Regulate your own emotional reactions in-the-moment. You are in charge of your emotions–not your client.
  • Recast your client. Goodbye crazy-maker. Hello partner. Hello teacher.
  • Recast yourself. Choose hero(ine) over victim.
Module 2: Manage Out
Learn skills for connection to change the dynamic of the conversation.
  • Leverage power phrases that let you manage push-back, de-escalate tension, and foster connection.
  • Listen at a deeper level without taking any of it personally. Remember: no matter how harsh the words sound, they are just information. You don’t have to internalize everything.
  • Decode what is being said, retaining what is useful, and letting go of what is hurtful so you can deliver value.
Module 3: Recover
Develop a post-client meeting ritual to give yourself time for power focus.
  • Reset physically. Learn techniques to quickly replenish your energy, so you can show up strong to your other five million meetings.
  • ​Practice self-compassion. Build a system to celebrate your wins, forgive your losses, and send your Imposter Syndrome packing.
  • Capture the gottas. If you don’t do what you say you’re going to do, any trust you've built will evaporate. Include this critical step.
Get This $19,000 Workshop For Only $297
Corporate clients pay $19,000 for similar live workshops. But with so many people having increasingly hostile conversations today, this knowledge is needed now more than ever.
Bronwyn Saglimbeni
One-Hour class
On-demand. Take it any time.
Actionable Advice
Use what you learn from the workshop immediately.
Unprecedented Value
A $19,000 workshop for only $297.

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No Enemy: Client Conversation At-A-Glance PDF: When talk turns toxic, never be caught off guard again. Print out this visual reference to the framework, keep it near your desk and go to it whenever you need it most. A $7 investment now could save you from a loss of a relationship later.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

The No Enemy: Client Conversation is here to help people overcome toxic conversations. If you are unhappy with the class and feel it wasn’t helpful, send us an email within 30-days of purchase and you will receive a full refund.
About Bronwyn

Bronwyn Saglimbini.
Authentic communications coach, writer, speaker and podcast host. 

20 Minutes With Bronwyn 5-Star Podcast
20 Minutes With Bronwyn 5-Star Podcast

20 Minutes With Bronwyn

A 5-star podcast dedicated to helping people develop the communication skills and habits they need to shine.

20 Minutes With Bronwyn

A 5-star podcast dedicated to helping people develop the communication skills and habits they need to shine.
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